The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)

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PAGE 2 THE DAILY SENTINEL SCCTTSBORO ALABAMA SUNDAY JUNE 3 1979 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Senator Howell Heflin Singing Reports to the people of Alabama Bible school Heflin budget caucus push for amendment Singles Registration VIEWPOINT EDITORIALS art AND OPINIONS Cemetery A trade disaster the Special music iddlers Homecoming Letters to the Editor this VW meeting still The case against SALT Closed Area Weather Letters to the Editov Daily Sentinel East Laurel Street Scottsboro AL 35768 1109 Hood Ave Scottsboro Ala May 31 1979 As I mentioned each Senator who has introduced a balanced budget amendment has a different idea of how to bring our fiscal house in or der Some want to impose a spen ding ceiling that is tied to the gross national produce and others want to balance the budget I believe the balanced budget is the best approach because it is sim ple and I believe it has a better chance of both Congressional ap proval and ratification by the states Another problem is the escape clause the number of Senators required to declare a national emergency and override the balan ced budget It is my belief that this should be a reasonable number In the Heflin Amendment I introduced in ebruary the escape clause is a 55 percent majority of both Houses This is not 55 percent of those present and voting but 55 percent of the entire membership PATSY PRESCOTT western singer will present the mucis at the Neighborhood Church Sunday 11 am and 6:30 pm The church is located in ort Payne The public is invited Some of the amendments require a two thirds or even a three fourths majority to vote in a deficit budget In my judgement a Constitutional amendment requiring either 67 or 75 Senators to declare a national emergency might tie the hands in the future Also I believe a reasonable escape clause would stand a better chance of passing the Senate I believe an escape clause of three fifths 60 members of the Senate would be a reasonable one and I have urged members of the caucus to adopt it Dear Editor of THE DAILY SEN TINEL Assuming your article of May 30 SYLVANIA ATHLETIC Club will present an old time fiddlers convention on June 9 7 pm with prizes offered in a number of categories irst prize for blue grass and country bands will be $200 with a $100 second prize Door prizes will be offered Ad mission $2 for adults and $1 for children By ANOTHONY HARRIGAN Dr Richard Pipes the Harvard University expert on Soviet affairs writes in the current issue of Strategic Review that the SALT II agreement to a large extent a political psychological confidence game by the United States govern ment with Soviet Dr Donald Brennan of the prestigeous Hudsca Institute says in a research paper: the proposed treaty the Soviet Union is allowed any and every capability the United States is allowed while the Soviets are allowed capabilities denied to the United Such comments undoubtedly will have influence when the US Senate begins consideration of the strategic arms treaty negotiated by the Car ter administration Informed citizens throughout the country will be participating in the national debate on SALT and adding their judgments or example I recently received a memorandum on the SALT issue from Edward Walsh specialist on defense and nuclear matters for the United States Industrial Council Mr Walsh wrote: seems to me that we ought to base opposition to the treaty on historical grounds rather than get ting too deeply involved in the in tricacies of weapons systems Rather we should argue against the treaty on two gounds which have more to do with contemporary history and the historical trends of technological development this context I believe of paramount importance to object to the impact of SALT II on the dynamism of American technology Research on and development of sophisticated military hardware ie radars missile guidance systems engines computers am munitiion etc exist in dependent of the civilian scientific world In short there is a military industrial complex in the sense that military and civilian technology are not segregated Research that con tributes to development of new warheads also contributes to breakthroughs in medicine tran sportation precision tools and machinery etc: a broad array of civilian Mr Walsh added: "All this of course is an obvious fact of life but the assumption in SALT it seems to me is that we can By ANTHONY HARRIGAN Serious danger exists that Congress will fail to consider the threat to economic well being contained in the international trade trety signed at Geneva in April If approved by Congress American industries could suffer a devasting blow William Gill author journalist and industrial consultant recently analyzed the trade treaty in an ad dress in Washington Mr Gill said that the Japanese an Europeans warn us against protectionism they indulge as a matter of state policy in protec tionist He asserted that the Geneva treaty to transform us into a nation of warehouses where we will all be gainfully employed in distributing and selling other product Among other things the Geneva trade treaty would open government procurement to foreign manufac tures If the treaty is approved government agencies may be using everything from Japanese earth moving equipment to Polish paper clips Mr Gill pointed out that Japanese and European industries operate by our rules Many foreign companies are controlled or sub sidized by their countries Japan he noted organized like a mam moth corporation or conglomerate with the Prime Minister sitting as Chairman of the Board of Japan In The Japanese Ministery of Trade and Industry targets markets around the world In Great Britain the British Steel Corporation is wholly owned by the British government It is building the largest stainless steel mill in anticipation of the US im port quotas on specialty steel ending next month The Carter administration says that the trde agreement will boost US exports to other countries But the Japanese for example ef fectively block American imports They only want food stuffs from the United States Mr Gill poses the central question: can any American company and ultimately I would not exempt General Motors or any of the other industrial giants how can they by expected to compete against the governments of Japan Great Britain rnce et al in this in cresingly volatile arena of world trade? General Motors and the rest must show a profit or they will soon be out of business but British Steel doesn't have to show a Congress should consider this and related questions before voting on the Geneva trade agreement The agreement is now being considered by the trde subcommittee of the Senate inance Committee and the trade subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee 607 Benham Avenue Scottsboro AL 35768 May 30 1979 I have always stressed the need for a Constutitional amendment to balan ce the federal budget In fact the first lesiglation I in troduced in the Senate back in ebruary was just such a Con stitutionalamendment Inall there are 28 similar amendments that have been introduced in the Senate and more than 100 in the House of Representatives I thought the chances for such an amendment looked good at the first of the session but as the Senate began its business the movement for a balanced budget amendment seemed to stagnate One of the problems facing passage of a balanced budget amen dment is that each amendment in troduced differs in some of its goals its implementation or its escape clause The problem is reconciling these differences I am a member of an ad hoc com mittee called the Balance the Budget Caucus which has been meeting quietly for several weeks to' iron out the difference the caucus is made up of 20 or so Senators both Democrats and Republicans both freshmen and veterans Primarily the goal of the caucus is to settle the differences between the various bills and come up with one amendment we can all support Then with a unified bi partisan front we can work to get an amend ment through the Senate This unified front in my judgement is the only way we will be able to balance the budget HARMONY BAPTIST Church near Macedonia will have their annual homecoming and decoration Sunday Entertainment will in clude all day singing beginning at 10 am Groups featured will in clude Happy Harmony Quartet and the Gospel Jems SUMMER ENRICHMENT Program Registration now through June 4 in Mathematics Reading Language and Art for grades 1 8 from 8 am to 12 pm Anyone wishing their child to participate should register at Brownwood Caldwell Page Elementary Schools or the Junior High School VW POST 6073 will have in stallation of officers at their meeting Monday night at 7 pm at the VW Hall on Cecil Street Any veteran of a foreign war i'fi welcome to attend and learn about membership in the VW SKYLINE CHURCH of Christ will have Vacation Bible School June 4 8 7 8 pm Classes for all ages through adult Everyone is in vited Jesse Tubbs is the minister citizens! reconsider proposed bond issue Sincerely yours Ann Bittel the military adaptation of new technological development while allowing the civilian application of it to ream untouched Research on better ways of doing things (things allowed under SALT) will continue find new developments and im provements of existing methods and applications must inevitably nudge Against the things that SALT would forbid this point it will doubtless be extremely difficult to say that a cer tain reserach project must be discontinued because it may lead to development of something that will cause the US to violate SALT An example: A new type of camouflage material able to shield tanks from detection by satellites by preventing the emission of temperatures detec table by infra red photography could easily be adapted to prevent Soviet satellites from detecting ICB Ms Even if the US has no intention of using it for that the Soviets would discover we were developing it and what would they think? If an upright US administration assured them that we would never use the new material to violate SALT the seed of technological rivalry would still be there and the Russians would rush to develop the same thing If they had the capability to prevent our satellites from seeing their ICBMs I suppose be overly for thright about it On site inspection of missile sites of course is not in SALT Mr Walsh proceeded to develop another readdn for opposition to the SALTY treaty: second important ground for opposing the treaty is purely historical ie the contempt for treaties in the past This is a point that ought to be stressed is the Soviet view of war as policy: If necessary resort to it The Soviet view according to their military literature is that a nuclear war is IRST BAPTIST CHURCH of Stevenson will have its firsi homecoming June 3 Rev Georop 7 Bendin a former pastor will deliver the morning message After a covered dish lunch there will he special singing Pastor Lenny Bolton extends an invitation to all member? and friends Area orecast Showers and scattered thun derstorms today and tonight Partly cloudy Monday with slight chance of showers Winds light and variable High today upper 70s Low tonight mid 60s High Monday mid 80s Probability of rain 80 percent today and 50 percent tonight Dear Sir: After reading the story which ap peared in May 29th paper I was shocked to learn that the Scott sboro City Council is considering the expenditure of $875000 for a park site Our city has enough Albatrosses around its neck with the debt ridden bond financed Goosepond Colony In times of tight monies double digit inflation and high interest rates the Scottsboro City Council and the Mayor must show fiscal responsibility and ac countability to the citizens of Scott 0 0 The article offered no details about the proposed industrial park but I can foresee future or additional bond issues for the paving of roads sewers electricity and other site im provements Surely the City Council realizes that an industrial park must offer more than just Have studies been made that indicate that this is the best location in Scottsboro for an industrial park and do studies indicate the interest of industries locating in the park? Mr Mayor and City Council we need more answers before considering the additional expenditure of $875000 simply because land has recently been made available for purchase to the city" One only has to go to Goosepond Colony and remember all the promises that a past bond issue once held for Scottsboro and its citizens and what a disappointment embarrassment but most of all what a debt for the City of Scottsboro and its Extended orecast Scattered thundershowers Monday Partly cloudy Tuesday and Wednesday Highs mid 80s north to near 90 south Lows mainly 60s A Layman's View By Wiley Snodgrass Sr Although I had planned and plan to write an article on the Alabama programs offering my views on how too much enthusiasm and too many over zealous actions are defeating his own goals and are greatly contributing to inefficiency as well as creating a demoralizing influence upon those who elected him I will confine this article to a local matter which bears the same type of enthusiasm or over zealous ac tion: Referring to the decision of Jackson County Health Officer Dr Robert Henderson to bar all students from at tending school who fail to give proof of prior immunizations I would like to call upon his office to seriously consider the following two points in cases where the parent although without proof states that the student has been im munized: or We must all agree that both risks are present! But should not some credit be given to the integrity of the parent? MEETING SET at Scottsboro High School cafeteria 7:30 pm June 6 for anyone interested in starting a parent organization at Nelson Elementary School ALL PERSONS interested in future of the Pleasant View Cemetery are urged to attend a special meeting at Pleasant View Church June 3 2 pm Con sideration will be given to the formation of a corporation to manage and maintain the cemetery in the future Once the corporation is formed however families may continue to care for the graves of their loved ones "If you can prevent reproduction you can prevent those who are least qualified from having children" Jerry Bergman an educational psychologist at Bowling Green University Despite personal reservations he is exploring the idea of government licensed parenthood to ease energy and food shortages The Daily Sentinel is successor to The Progressive Age (established 1889) The Jackson County Sentinel and the SentinehAge Publication offices 704 East Laurel Street Scottsboro Alabama Second Class Postage pair! at the Post Office in Scottsboro Alabama 35768 The Daily Sentinel reserves the right of reproduction and publication of all news and advertising contents of this newspaper To reach all depart ments Phone 259 1020 Office Hours: Daily 8 am to 5 pm Saturdays 8 am to 1 pm Closed Sundays SINGLES meeting in a new pw manent location at irst Bantis Church Sunday School at 9:45 am fellowship each Thursday pm in the singles building located at the corner of Scott and Martin Streets Any single adult high senoot graduates ano up welcome MEM HEP The Associated Press Southern Newspaper Publishers Association and Newspaper Enterprises Association SCOTTSBORO and Stevenson offices of State Employment Service will be closed Monday in observance of a state holiday Art lessons Book sale RIENDS The Library are planning their second annual book sale Sept 1 3 The library is ac cepting donations now for this big fund raising event Begin now gathering your paperbacks hardbacks records and magazines you no longer want and take them to the library Proceeds will go to the riends library projects regarding the $24000 paid to Bed dingfield Construction Company for in crease in costs of the federd office building to be accurate I challenge the Jackson County commissioners to tell the taxpayers of this county on what basis this action was taken rom what I have read in previous articles Bed dingfield requested this increased based on wet eather and increase of subcontractor material costs I also remember this being a fixed cost con tract and that an opinion previously issued when this first came up indicated that there was no basis for additional payments for the reasons given contained in the contract Therefore WHY did the commission vote this extra money and behind closed doors at that! Are our elected officials afraid to challenge an obvious bluff by Beddingfield? Let Bed dingfield leave the job! If the contract is worth the paper its written on it con tains a clause whereby the contractor defaults the contract for failure to per form and leaving the job is certainly failure to perform! The Commission would then have the job finished by another contractor using performance bond money (hopefully the contractor was bonded) Commissioner statement about in volved in litigationsrentwould more than take care of the increased (quotation from news article) is the biggest bunch of garbage for granting the increase in cost that I have ever heard! Let the Commissioners pay this increased cost from their pockets I for one would hold Bed dingfield strictly to the terms of the contract! Whatever it says that is the basis for granting or not granting any increase in payments In closing 1 say odds are 100 to 1 against any rec tification of this error in judgement on the Commissioners' part Sincerely JimOlyniec Si I 11 Sentinel No meeting NO MEETING is scheduled next week by the Jackson County Commission The courthouse will be closed Monday which is their regular meeting day Published daily Tuesday through riday afternoons and Sunday mornings by Scottsboro Newspapers Ine JAMES HARKNESS President Editor and Publisher font George Advertising Manager Peggy erguson City Editor Edna Kirby Iff ice Manager Bookkeeper Perry Sweat Circulation Director Production Supervisor THREE ARTS CLUB will sponsor art lessons for children who have completed grades 1 6 taught by Nancy Bradford Registration will be 2 pm June 11 Cost for the six lessons which will end July 16 will be $20 payable at registration Meeting set flicultural Weather PRECIPITATION: Showers and thunderstorms today especially over the north Sunday generally one half inch to one and one half inches with local amounts to two inches or more SUNSHINE: Three hours north and eight to 10 hours south DRYING CONDITIONS: Poor 0 fair north and good south unday lcWeat humidity 50 Poncont leaat to 70 percent northwt DEW derate to heavy dew over the southeast counties this Pew drying off by 9 am WINDS: Variable less than 10 mph OUTLOOK: Scattered thun ershoweis Monday Probably dry Tuesday and Wednesday eg I I 1411 iWMIll 1 in 1 Ji 11 Whi 1 pSj Hal 1 fc 4 4'.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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