The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

I'm Los tTTIPefs ETTlPets Business 'nnnnrlimltipc fTTIBMSiHess TTlBusiness 13 Sunday, October 31, 1999THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER mriPets IB 'trragenrint FtnHSiness READERS Before investing money and time or if an offer 60unds too good to be true, check with the Better Business Bureau at (513) 421-3015. Accessories BOXER AKC, white female, very friendly, great with kids $300 891-6725 BOXER -Pups. AKC reg, 7 wks old, 3M, 3F, brindle fawn. $350. 1937) 379-1454 BOXER-Pups, AKC, S.

brindle fawn. Bred for quality. $325. 513-932-3739 BOXER Pups- Champion bloodline, fawn colored, $300 each. Call (937) 393-0676 BOXERS-AKC.

3 brindle males. Family raised. 17 wks. $250. Call 937-780-6293.

BRITTANY-Pups, 4mos, 8. ready to start hunting. CBL, AKC, $200 606-428-1062 BRUSSELS GRIFFON-Pup Pure bred, fern. Odd color- ation. A doll! $150.

363-0011 Bull Mastiff -I yr neut. fully trained wcaqe, no papers. Ret req. $350 frm. 541-5953 BULL MASTIFF MIX--5 males, 3 females.

$175 each. (612) 637-5232 Bull Mastiffs-8 beautiful AKC pups, champ background, POP. $750. 606-654-8235 BULL TERRIER Puppies. White brindlewhite, AKC, 1st shots, ready 117.

51000 neg. 662-2344 or 438 1 747 CAIRN TERRIER Male pups, AKC, $300 ea. 765-825-4050 CAT LOVERS! African Servil. Fern, declawed. Looks like mini Cheetah.

$1500. 923 1024 CAT--Orange tabby, looks like Morris. Rescued from bad circ*mstances. Needs loving home. Paul, 271-0389 CATS-Free to a good home.

Neutered, declawed, shots. Leave messq, 941-4853 CATS-lndoor companions. (3)orange Tab, gry long hair, tiger blk. 6 yr old AA's, neut, declawed, shots. Place together or sep.

New husband very anergic. V3-36l-465a CATSKitfens Spayedneut, tested vaccinated. Adoptive homes carefully screened. Donation req'o. Adoptions Sun, 2-5.

Save The Animals 513-221-8321 CATSOlder Kittens. Birman flamepoint, 1 yr old all med. done. 742-9452 CATS-Owners abandoned 2 gorgeous adult brothers, neutered, declawed. Like rag dolls when held.

753-0267 CHIHUAHUA AKC, variety, tiny, males $300, females $350, 1st shots, wormed. 738-1292 CHIHUAHUA -AKC, 9 wks, will be under 5lbs, POP $350. 606-485-7365 CHIHUAHUA-DACHSHUND $125. Yorkie-Poo, $185. Yor-kie-Chihuahua, $185.

Pups, 1st shots, wormed. 941-6653 CHIHUAHUA -Female, 14 wks, black 8. white, adorable $250 937-437-0092 CHIHUAHUA PUPS-AKC, short hair, white 8. tan, $300. 683-1434 or 891-3881 CHIHUAHUA-Pups, AKC reg.

4 males, 2 mos old, wormed, 1st shots, $250. 606-428-3202 CHIHUAHUA Tiny long haired AKC puppies, POP, $250. 606-654-8235 CHINCHILLA -Large 3X2 wire cage, 1 year old, accesso- $75. 574-0113 CHOWS-AKC, welped 719 99, M-blk (2), blue (1). $150 ea.

937-456-6474. co*ck-A-POO-Puppies. Adorable. 1st shots vetv $275; $325. (937 885-5563 co*ckAPOO PUPS 9'? wks, 8, $125.

Vet chkd, shots, wormed. 683-461 1 or 469-0693 co*ckATIELS 7 months 3 months. $50. Ready now. 624-0282 co*ckATIELS Male and female, 1 year old, cage 8, ac-cessories.

$125obo. 245-2787 co*ckATOO GOFFIN-5 mo old female, good wchildren. $l400caqe incl. 231-8412 co*ckATOO-Trlton babies, hatched hand raised in our loving home, $950. 637-1540 co*ckerCorgi Mix Pups-10 wks, $75.

Vet chkd, shots, wormed. 683-4611 or 489-0693 co*ckER SPANIEL-AKC, 4 mo. old pup, blackwht male, $200. Call 336-7170 co*ckER SPANIEL PUPS--Born 9999. Blk, blk white party buff.

485-1085. CmVans in 1 Mini-Vans Accessories AKITA-Adult Rescue Puppies. Health guaranteed. Hsbrkn. 876-2664 AKITA PUPS-AKC reg.

w2 yr health guarantee, 5 generation pedigree, 1st snots 8. wormed, champ, bloodline, show quality at pet prices, $500 ea. Parents on premises. Also for sale for $2000obo for the pair or poss trade for guns of equal value. Stud service avail.

937-393-9192 Hillsboro AKITA PUPS- Male 8. female. wks old. Very sweet. $75.

Call 635-3272. AMAZON PARROTS-Adult pets. Yellow nape, lilac crown, cages, playpens, carrying case 8, traveling cages, well behaved talkers. $950ea. Will separate.

553-2177 AMERICAN Bulldogs Johnson Razzmatazz, $450 wpa-pers, $400 wo. 742-5956 12 AQUARIUM 135 gal, complete, woll fish, wetdry, cust solid poplar stand. $650 779-8497 AQUARIUM -55 gal. Top of oak stand, 33 gal. long on bot-tom, all access.

$250. 797-6199 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD Pups, registered, born 922, POP. $200. (812) 438-4400 BASSET HOUNDS--AKC, 6 wks old, vet chkd, ready to 8, redwhite tris. 250.

Call (937) 378-3594 BASSET-Pups, AKC, 1st shot wormed. 606-564-4934, af- ter 5pm 606-883-3700 BASSET PUPS-AKC, well socialized on family farm. 7 wks. $250. (812 637-5846 BEAGLE--AKC reg pups, beautiful tri-colored, in Kings Is-land area.

$75. 683-9574 BEAGLE-F, 3 mos, CKC, shots wormed. Sweet little beau- ty $100 606-824-7693 BEAGLE PUP-AKC male. Also rabbit dogs. Call (937) 446-3841 BEAGLE-Pups, 2, Tri-color, full blooded, $50 ea.

662-1794 BEAGLES (2) Adult Females. Spayed and shots. Free to toying home. Call 777-0853 BEAGLES -2 Females, 1 yr old, littermates, $50 each. 513-422-4007 BEAGLES -AKC, litter mates, 1 neut 1 $50 ea.

Ham-mersville 937-379-2164 Iv msg BEAGLES -Male pups $50. Also Running dogs for sale or trade for shotgun. 6'15-4093. BICHON FRISE-1M pups, 6 wks, $250. No papers.

Adorable hypo-allergenic, great wkids. 825-9476 After 6pm. BICHON FRISE 2 no papers, l'2 yrs, $175 each. 972-6250 BICHON FRISE -AKC, all white pups, non-shedding, hypo al-lerqenic. $400 8.

up 742-2495 BICHON-POO PUPS-2 females 8, 1 male, 1st shots wormed. $300 ea. 851-2587. BIRDS-Various Parrots. Young, hand fed, tamed.

Call 1513) 629-0277 BLOODHOUNDS-2 fern, red pups, 4 mos old, AKC reg. $150 each. 528-0013 BLUE HEELERS 5 females, 1 male. Call 606-635-3048 BORDER COLLIE ABCA Male, working bloodlines, 8wks Old, $250. 937393-4619 BORDER COLLIE -Puppies, latest 8, the best in bloodlines, sired by Imp.

Glen. Bradford, since 1934. 937-427-3015 BORDER COLLIES ABC POP, 6 wks old. $200. (812) 689-3239 888-336-9563 pgr BOSTON TERRIERS AKC, all shots, house raised.

606-849-4591 BOSTON Terrier pups, AKC reg, ped, POP. Blkwhte, brindle. $350 513-724-2173 BOSTON TERRIER PUPS-AKC, vet V'd, Ready now. Call 606-512-3803. Bouvier Des Flandres-AKC pups, blk, 40 mi.

ol Louis-ville, KY. $600. (812) 739-4579 BOUVIER PUPS-AKC, 13 wks old, shots, MF, POP. (606) 635-1787 alter 5pm BOXER -4 mos (Brindle), ear cropped, tail docked, shots. $850 Serious calls only (765) 647-3895 BOXER -AKC reg, 9 wks, brindle, champ bloodlines, shots.

$250 524-4066 Mini-lfans mm rjTVets U1-1 Accessories LAB-Pups. AKC, OFA, parents on prem, 11 wks, shots, choc, $350 732-9366 LAB PUPS-AKC Reg. Vet-checked, choc, ft, black, ad shots. Call 513-988-6694 LAB PUPS-AKC, yellow. 8.

F. Shots Born 91999. POP. $300 937-927-5514 LAB PUPSChocolate -AKC reg. 6 wks old, MF, Vet 1st shots, POP, $275.

812-637-2897. LAB YELLOW AKC puppies. 2 female. Shots. $350.

824-6830 LABS-5 Choc, AKC reg, 1st shots ft, wormed, POP, $300. 812 637 0748 LABS AKC, choc, big. thick ft, healthy, vet wormed, POP, 1st shots, 451-4348 LABS AKC Chocolate. POP 2 fern, 1 male. Born 823.

$300. 637-2750 LABS -AKC reg, blk, chocolate or yellow. 1st shots worm-ed, 740-858-2548 LHASA APSO--CH sire CH dam, 8 wks, exceptional quai-Ity, reason, priced 738-5527 LHASA APSO -Pups, AKC reg, 1st shots ft, wormed, brown, blk 8. white $300 937-392-4813 LHASA APSO PUPS-AKC, shots, wormed, 15 wks. $250.

Adorable. Call 513681-0467 LLAMAS -6 mos. ft, up. Pet, breeding quality. Ask about pkq deals.

513-422-4)82 LYNX Kittens-Desert, sivr t. blue. 9wks. Fam. raised, very cute.

606-342-8508 MACAWS-Bonded pair, 3yr old Blue Gold, 4yr old Catalina cage $200Qobo. 734-3126 Maine Coon kittens-born 820, CFA reg, vet shots, show 8. pet quality. 937-466-2569 MALTE-PEKE -F, 10 wks, CKC, tiny, shots ft, wormed $350, 606-824-7693 MALTESE -Adorable small malefemales, AKC, vet ch bldline $400-450. 825-1535 MALTESE pup, AKC, 1st shot wormed, adorable.

$350 812-487-2439 MALTI- POOS- Tiny, LHASA APSO. yorkies, $175 up. 367-6597 Z637-5537. MIN-PIN PUPS-AKC, 6 wks, shots, vet tiny ft, adorable, pert, wkids, bftt, M8.F, cash only. 722-0263.

MINI PIN PUP Blk ft, tan, 8 wks, old, $300. 947-9961 MINI PINSCHER-AKC Male, 3 mos. old, good disposition, $250. 851-3788. MINI Pinschers-AKC Reg, blktan 8, red, 1st shots, tails docked, POP, $275.

356-0244 MINIATURE PINCHERS AKC Reg. 8 wk. old. Blk tan females, $225. Call 931-6386 MINIATURE PINSCHERS-AKC pups, 1st shots, wormed 5250 ft, up.

Adorable. 262-6039 Miniature Pinschers-AKC, 6 wks, vetv', 1st shots, 4F, 2M, $275 price neg, 812-926-3707 MIXED BREEO-Med size dogs, mother 8, pup, beautiful brn ft, blk, abandoned in French Park, very friendly. Need loving home. Paul 271-0389 MIXED NORWEGIAN ELKHD -551b, spayed, protective, good wkids ft, cats. $50 to good home.

221-4418 MIXED PUPPIES-small ft, large breed. Vet v', 1st shots, wormed. $50-5150. 683-4611 or 489-0693 MULTI-POOS-7 wks old, 1st shots, vet chkd, 2 males, 1 female, 367-0162 MULTI SHIH TZU-M, 9 mos, multi color, love kids, cage incl. $150 245-1297 NEAPOLITAN MASTIFFS -3 mos old $1000.

SERIOUS CALLS ONLY. 641-1747 Neapolitan Mastiff Pups. Females, blues ft, mahogany. $500 ft. up.

Reg. 937-787-4050. NEOPOLITAN MASTIFFS, AC 15 wks, 5M, 3F, blk or blue. $1000 8. up 513-608-9220 PARROTS-co*ckatoo ft, grey babies.

Hand raised in our home, 513-398-6049 PEKINGESE -Pups, 11 wks, CKC, flat laced beaut! Shots ft, wormed $350. 606-824-7693 FrnVans 1 i 1 Mini-Vans AUTOMOTIVE Spray in truck bed liners. Price Reduced! Owner has other business interests, wants to sell NOW! 891 i000 MEDICAL BILLING Unlimited income potential. No exp. Necessary, t-ree info CD-ROM.

Invest J4.V95-JS.995. Fin Avail. Island Automated Medical Services, Inc. (8U0) 322-1139 Ext: 1412 THE WORLD'S LARGEST SIGN FRANCHISE Is expanding into Cinti area. Fully computerized, no ex-per.

needed, full training, local suppurt office. avail. Call 1-800-286 8671 or HOLIDAY BLUES EARN EXTRA HOLIDAY INCOME SS -Start Now Working From Home. For Free Details Send SASE to: Unified Publishers, 1628 East Southern Suite 9 PMB 233A, Tempe, AZ 85282 HUGE POTENTIAL 45 yr old $100,000,000 national company expanding. Need dealer for Greater Cinti.

Full training and support. cash req. Financing available. Call 800-535-8724 Gas StationConvenience" Store-Including Beer, wine, lottery. Excel, location; ask ing $85,000.

(513) 241-3700 atcJPartncrsLtd. NEW FRANCHISE -We have 20 ot the best. Get started now! Call Wayne for appt. 891-1000. yjjJjJjJJ'M A GREETING CARD ROUTE FOR SALE! Immediate Profits.

Absolutely NO SELLING! Local Accts. Work 3-5 hrswk. Earn S27K-S40K. Holidays are Here! Call 888-740-3456 24hrs. Home Inspections are Booming! Join the Home Team Inspection the 1 franchise in the industry.

Low investTraining. Call 600-598-5297. ALL TUNE LUBE Be a part of a multi-bittion dollar industry. Franchise available in Cincinnati area Call For FREE Brochure 1-800-935-8863 VENDING Unique, 5-income program $65KYr. 877-823-VEND MACHINE SHOP -Ex.

loc. Well established. HUGE potential! Owner retiring. 891-1000 Cigars SMOKING Cigar Mfg. needs Distr.

to restock major brands 8. acces. SI00K-S150K pot'l. No selling. Min invest $5K.

1-600-330-9565 TRADE FOR A LIVING S8.P500-Slocks-Currency Potential 6-7 Figure Income Per Year. Trade From Home or Office, 800-650-0830 FRANNET will help you find the Best Business fit. Over 60 Companies to Choose From! Our Services are FREE. (513) 469-2900 www.frannet.comcincy (500 $10O0week mailing coupons for local nattonalcom-panies. To apply, send SASE to: Coupons Unlimited, 904 N.

Scottsdale Ste AZ 85261 MAIL BOXES ETC. World's largest postalbusiness services franchise. Network of 3900 centers. Locations available 1-877-623-7253 or WORK FOR YOURSELF Local Dealership! 50-70 Profits. Nat'l repeat Accts.

"NOT" MLM or Vending. Call Greg (800 366-1104 or WWW.CPIHQ.COM Distributor Needed Want to earn S75-1100K per year? Show profit first year. Initial investment required. Serious Inquiries Call 1-800-655-9553. AUTO ACCESSORIES 1998 sales 3800k.

Owner cash flow SlOOk. Financing already eslab S375k. 829-9770 Stevens Business Grp Businesses For Sale 652-2400 HAVE A YEN TO BE A MILLION S10K on 714 8. you could have made 530,369 on 918. Free Into.

1 -800-791-1003 NAME BRAND SNACKS Net J700wk. Work 7-8 Hrswk SecuredGuaranteed Locations Inv req Fin Avail 1-800-821-1140 -f Card A Gift Shop Sales $1 million plus; Profit over $150,000. A unique store, the best! 852-2400 Local established vending route, needs to sell. Training 8, financing available. exce lent accounts and equipment.

Priced right. I -800 232-1453 RESTAURANT LOUNGE- For lease. Excellent location, kitchen eqpt, good lease term. Ready to go. 937-335-0021, Troy, Oh.

LAUNDROMAT-Located in a small but last-growing community. Family owned for 38 yrs. A great 2nd or retirement income. 937-587-2581 EE GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS. AKC-Dam championship llne-light-vet checked 1st shots-wormed-Ready 11899.

$400. (937)365-2002 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES- AKC, champ sired, 8 wks old, 606 465-7213 GOLDEN Retrievers Beautiful AKC puppies, shots worm-ed. $250 606-654-8235 GOLDEN RETRIEVER 3 yr old Male, $150. 777-8331, 758-7426 pgr. GOLDEN RETRIEVER Pups, AKC, Fern $450, Male $400, Call aft 5pm 937-364-2357 GOLDEN RETRIEVER -AKC, 10 mos old, all puppy shots, housebrkn, $500obo 474-4625 GREAT DANE--AKC, 10 wks, or black, extra-large, POP.

$250 8, up. 606-485-7365 GREAT DANE RESCUE Dane and Dane mixes for adoDtion. 7 wks-7 years. 85-185.

937-379-2231. GREAT DANE RESCUE Offering low cost spayneuter. Call lor info 937-379-2231 GREAT PYRENEES-lst shots, wormed, POP, avail Nov. 10.

$200. Call 631-8545. GREAT PYRENNES -Pups, AKC, loyal guardians, vetv, wormed, $300 937-780-6368 GREYHOUND RESCUE Males females avail. Now! Fence req'd $200. 606-623-6045 HERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS White, AKC Pedigree.

Lrg boned, white coat, dark eyes, blk noses. Exc. temperament bloodlines, See POP or http.members.delphi. compentkngt. Serious in-quiries, 513-347-7620 HIMALAYAN CAT-choc point, female, 3 yrs; PERSIAN mate, 3 yrs, black champ.

CFA reg. Call 765-478-309) HIMALAYAN KITTENS -MF, CFA 1st shots, wormed, champ bloodline, hand raised, flames, lynx 8, torti points. $200 cash. 531-1966. HIMALAYAN SIAMESE MIX 7 wks, some snowshoed, shots, vetv.

$125 737-7901. IRISH WOLFHOUNDS-812-623-2062 (812) 537-0011 JACK RUSSELL PUPS 1 male, 1 female, exc pedigrees, great family dog. $300. Call 677-8463, 300 0436 Jack Russell Pups (7)- short legs, smooth coat. ShotsWrmd, POP 625-1312.

JACK RUSSELL TERRIER Registered, yrs Female, spayed. $200 528-5113 Jack Russell Terrier Pups 4 Females, 1 male, 1st shots, 812-667-5422 JACK RUSSELL TERRIER -14 mo old spayed female to ap-proved home. 606-566-1916. KITTENS (3) 1 adorable grey wmissing front paw, grey free to good home, 793-5114 KITTENS Free to a good home. 5 weeks old.

Call 851-2728 KITTENS-Short hair white long hair, tested, shots, $30. Harrison Rescue 736-5529 LAB AKC, black, choc, yellow, ch. sired, hips, elbows eyes cert. 60fr 356-8244 LAB AKC blk 8. choc, pups, OF eyes clear, vet ckd, 1st shot, guar.

513353-4988 LAB AKC Golden Yellow pups-lst shots, POP, family raised, very healthy, 7F, 2M, $250. Adorable! 937-544-5311 LAB-Black mixed puppies, 7 wks, S25, 887-2043, LABGolden Ret. Mix Pups-Vet chkd, shots, wormed, 8 wks, $125. 683-4611 or 489-0693 LAB Mix-Gentle, spayed, l'2 yrs, 40 lbs, blk, )lk, good wkids, 28T-4357 SIU, 261-2, Lab Pup-AKC, choc, fern, 9 wks old, 1st shots, wormed, vet v. $200.

937-486 1301 LAB PUPPIES -8 wks old, black, $100 each, no papers. Call 575-4316 LAB -Pups. AKC, choc females. 5250. Vet v', 1st shots, 689-4802 471-7133 CTTlVans i 1 Mini-Vans $tX, 9 CTflPets Accessories co*ckER SPANIELS-AKC, 4 wks, various colors, $225-5350.

Lve msg, 777 8387. DACHSHUND- AKC, Red, 8wks, 1st shots, vet Call 742-4038 DACHSHUND-AKC pups. Web: doxieworld. 513-353-1163 DACHSHUNDS-MINI-CKC, black, tan 8. brindles, $250, $275.

812-654-2497 Dalmatian-Free to good home. 7 yr old F. Not getting the attn she's used to. 737-6499 DALMATIANS AKC, champ bldln, 8, 6 wk, 1st shots, vetV wormed.J1652-9654 DOBERMAN AKC, 5 wht (3M, 2F) $600. 2 blk $400 (1M, IF).

POP Bred lor temp. 858-3910 DOBERMAN PINSCHER AKC pups, champ, bloodlines, blacks reds, 937-236-4091. DOBERMAN PUPS-9 wks, vet POP. tails docked. best looking in town, $275 ea.

(513) 961-5186 DOG HOUSE NEEDED -Medium size. CaH Mr. Moore, 851-7833. DOG TRAINING-Obedience, protection. 15 years experi-ence.

Call 761-9988 DOGS-Spayed neutered, Vaccinated. Adoptive homes carefully screened. Donation req'd. Adoptions Sun, 2-5. Save The Animals 513-221-8321 ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS-AKC, avail.

1118, some near-ly all wht. (826) 397-2720 ENGLISH BULLDOG AKC, Champ lines. Pup adults. $1200ea. 606-742-2616 ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS-AKC, champ sired, vet 'd.

Ready now. 606-512-3803. ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS-AKC, 4 ferns, born 912, very healthy. $1000. (937) 866-7159 FERRETS-(2), wcage tunnels, neutered, shots, infer box trained.

$150. 777-6515 FOX TERRIER PUPS 2 2 1st shot, wormed, $200. 851-2587. FOX TERRIER -Toy, $450obo. Cage pet taxi $150 347-0535 FOX TERRIER, TOY pups, 11 wks old, UKC, shots, I 1 F-5275.

513-932-7758 GERMAN SHEP-2 yr M. Neutered, shots, people oriented. Circletail 513-877-3325 GERMAN SHEP. PUPS AKC 3 males 5 female born Sept. 10.

Vet 1st shots.wormed POP $250 ea. 606-689-5039. GERMAN SHEP. PUPS -F, 11 weeks, 100 German bldln, AKC, vet hips grt'd, $500. 765-647-4792 Brook ville GERMAN SHEP PUPS- AKC, OF exc temp.

Taking de-posits. $300. 5)3-724-5429 GERMAN SHEP PUPS-AKC, blk 8, blktan, 1st shots, wormed, $150. 937-675-3535 GERMAN SHEP-Pups, AKC. Wormed, 1st shots.

Large. POP. $400. 581-2588 GERMAN Shepherd-2 yr old pure breed, neutered, ask $100. 563-4907 745-0313 W.

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS AKC, 6M 6. 3F, 1st shotswormed, P.O.P. Ready 102399. J150ea. 606-728-2121 or 606-728-2006 GERMAN Shepherd Pups (2) Beautiful, must see! P.O.P.

$100. 606-586-1316 GERMAN SHEPHERD-Pupp- ies 8, young adults, bred tor temperament trainability. $500 8, up. 606-873-6735 GERMAN SHEPHERD AKC, 6 weeks, 3 Males, I Female, $150ea (812) 623-5237 German Shepherd Pups Blk red, German lined, titled parents on premises. 740-969-2228.

German Short Haired Pointer Pups-AKC, $300. Call 625-2360. GERMAN SHORTHAIR pointer-pups, akc reg, champ line. (812) 926-1978 GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTER-AKC, exc hunting stock, $200. 606-428-2502 Golden Retreiver pups-AKC, shots wormed.

Ready 111699. $350. 937-383-0543 tmVans I Mini-Vans kJB $1,500 REBATE $1,500 $10,456 CONV M476 LOVps. 51 $349 AT wpp ABSOLUTE GOLD MINE! "NO MONEY DOWN" Work 7 hrswk. Earn $40K yr.

restocking displays. Free Info. 1-800-379-1228, 24 hrs Avail. VENDING route 10-20 locations. $4,000 mo.

Income ALL CASH! 100 finance avail. 1-888-538-9508, 24 hrs Cutting Edge Technology Public Co. shown on CNBC. $30k avg start up, returns fast as 3-6 mos. if you quali-ty.

1-800 873-7083. AAA CREDIT- NO SSt DOWN Name brand Vending routes avail. Secured guar. Locs. Fin.

Avail. 1-877-933-9466 Citco Foodmart Entire business equipment, stock and real estate for sale. Great location, call for details. Steve junker Realtors 922-5666 SWEET CITY Candy store immediately available, mall location. We supply fixtures, you buy the candy from us.

800-793-3824 EURO V. U.S. Which will be stronger In Learn how to trade In Forex Markets. Free Info. 1-800-500-6281 BE YOUR OWN BOSS New vending machine to area.

Siooo wk potential. Call for free info packet. 1-600-454-8363 AAA GREETING CARD ROUTE Estab Accts. No Sell! Just Restock! Great Si Mak-er. Low inv.

1-800-570-7460 NETWORK MARKETING Use your MLM downline twice. Earn $25,000 Mo. Call 1-800-283-5802 CIGAR PLANTATION Needs local dist. $0 Down O.A.C. no selling.

S150K pot'l. Premium cigars. 800-514-9365 A 40 MACH VEND RTE HI Traffic OFFER GOOD TIL 117. EARN I2KMO. $8500 REQ.

1-800-290 0524 Ext. 826 Food Market Specializes in Frozen meats, fish, etc. Ideal tor OwnerOperator. 852-2400 FRANCHISE Commercial Cleaning Business for sale. Contracts 8.

equipment incl. Immediate income. 249-1427. LADIES GENTLEMAN -If you are not making $10,000 per month working from home call 1-800-250-2158. PUT YOUR PRODUCT or service on the Internet.

Complete E-Commerce pack-aqes. Call 1-800-634-2909 SODA SNACKS CANDY-30 established locations. $1500 wkly profit, financing, free video. 800-337-1375 24 "hrs. "I MADE 53K PT, You Can Too! Your time our money Profits.

FREE Report 888-375-9785 ext 39 CONVENIENCE sales, Financing. Conner Co 861-7888637-3631 MED. SUPPLY DIST. SI5Kmo inc. $2500 dep.

800-349-9549. CAR WASH Lease-Evendale Bowling Alley Lounge Big video store, Fairfield WeberRandolph 821-8500 A PHONE CARD ROUTE 2.9cmin. rate. Public Co. CASH! Free 1-800-997-9888, 24 hrs BARLOUNGE-Sale or lease.

DRIVE-THRU for Lease. Leon's Corporation, PO Box 56406, Cinti, OH 45258-0406. ServiceMaster Franchise In N. Ky. Speciliazing in Heavy Cleaning for Insurance Co.

Priced to sale. Call 282-1618 PRE-PAID Phone Card Route. Now 2.5C per minute Can earn wkly. Free video. 1-800-627-9519 NASCAR COLLECTIBLES BIZ-Sales $100K Buy now, reap Christmas $10K inv.

a cdst. (606) 292-8515 FAMILY RESTAURANT-for sale by owner on Queen City, 8ood return, exc for catering. all eves 7 10. 231-3416 Cigar Distributorship! Brand names. Be your own boss.

$lO0K pot'l. Small start-up. 1 -800-334-0946. BARDANCE CLUB. N.

KY Seats 252, full license, 4300 sf. owner fin'g, priced to sell Conner Co. 861-7886574-1451 BEAUTY SALON-Amelia area. 10 yrs est. 4 stations.

2 tanning beds. 2 nail stations. Asking $20K. 753-7554 AAA-Sodasnack Free Info $1600 weekly 20 Local Acct's. Fin Avail.

1-800-559-0481 24 hrs. PAYPHONES local Sites Lowest prices $2O0K wkly pot'l. 800-800-3470 24hrs. A GOLDMINE! EARN $50K Local CandySnack Rts. extras Down 600-365-9290 A 20 Machine Vending rte.

Earn 4k. mo. 6k req. Must sell by 1115. 800-646-2035 BEAUTY SALON-Great location.

Established, turn-key 513-663-5738, 513-479-6280 Must Sell! Local Vending Rte. SIKwk potential. $4995 Inv. Free into 800-576-2725 24 hrs BEAUTY SALON -Working salon, Tri-County area. Priced to sell.

825-1591 A-l PAYPHONES $160Kyr po-ten'l Best pricesPremium lo- cations HUU-J55-3UJU24 nrs. GNC STORE, Price Reduced This won't last long! 852-2400 FANTASTIC SAMS! NO EXP Low 5 Down; 1-800-319-3716 HAIR SALON -Sharonville area. Fully equipped, take over lease. 604-3156 FREE VIDEO! Snacksoda vend rtes for sale by mfr. Fin, avail.

Inv. 800-537-3188 VENDING -World's famous potato chip. Unique electronic mach. 1-800-321-1011. U7T Services UMd long otunc chaises may itppry Milford $129,900 LK-66M3Eagle Nest Drive Thru.

3 yrs old, high increaseyr, selling complete. Long term lease avail. Close to Park 50, sand volleyball, and X-way Softball Park. Len Koogler, CRS.CRB 753-9660 Eastgate $499,900 LK-684977-Great Business Opportunity! On busy corner in Eastgate area. Sunoco service station w3 bays, convenience store.

All up to code. Location! Location! Location! Beverly Eyre 513-753-9660 937-444-3027 Len Koogler Realtors Better FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Be Your Own Boss With as little as $750 down! We offer Guaranteed Customers. Complete Training Support. Equipment Supplies Guaranteed Financing Unique ovmershp opportunities! Over 5000 franchise owners. Our secret can be your success CALL NOW: for more info 513-792-3900 Our Newest Loc.

in N. Ky. 606-283-1902 A I (i I 1 THINK GREEN Green is not only about the outdoors, lawns, trees and shrubs-it's about working from home and owning your own business. Green is about associating with 375 fran-chised dealers who bring more than 32 years of experience to you. Green is the independence of building your dream.

Plant your seed now for the next century. Learn why we are recognized as one of the best service franchise opportunities in the world. Call Ed Reid Today: 1-800-631-56 AO FIRST CLASS Primrose School Franchising Co. Rated by Entrepreneur Magazine as the Child Care Franchise, offers unsurpassed quality in the booming children's services market with a proven business system that has never experienced a failure. Prime Locations Available Call Today! 1-800-745-0677 www.primrose What do parents want for their children? Not day care, not child care but LEARNING center.

Tutor Time, specializes in Learning Center franchises. No experience necessary. We have all the training and support you expect from the industry leader. Call today to learn how a child's smile and a parent's gratitude can be a very rewarding business. (800) 275-1235, ext.

304 WINEMAKING WITH A DIFFERENCE In-store winemaking gifts New growth industry in Cinti Ohio Minimum cash req. S45K Exciting, easy to operate Full training and support For info, 1-888-GO-4-WINE or visit our web-site at ATLANTA BREAD COMPANY The highly successful upscale neighborhood bakery cafe, serving soups, salads, sandwiches, variety breads, pastries and bagels is interviewing potential franchisees In Cincinnati. Financing may be available to qualified candidates. For Franchise Information Call: 1800) 398-3728 CAN YOU PLAY AT YOUR JOB? MUSIC GO ROUND Fastest growing U.S. music retail chain seeks franchise owners.

Buy sell used and new musical instruments. Ranked as top franchise opportunity. Call for details: 1-800-645-7298 FRUSTRATED? Learn how we have helped 100's of frustrated individuals identify surprising business or franchise opportunities that are right for them. As featured in USA Today! Call 888-813-9586 or visit The Entrepreneur's Source THE GROUT DOCTOR -Immed openings Cinti for indep con-r tractors to clean, seal, re- place, repair and recotor tile grout. We train and supply customer leads.

Home based, no inventory, no exp. Proven success sys. ers waiting! $6-J12Kmo. Ap-, prox $1500 investment needed. 513-557-2159 Exciting Companytn growth phase, with new products.

Sales for 1999 $1.5 mil. yr. 2000 proj. at S2.2 mil. with $850,000 net profit.

High net worth re'quired for this deal. 513-241-3700 eate Partners Ltd. Auto Electronics Sales Service-Estab. 25 yrs, turnkey operation. $70,000 adj.

earnings. Priced at asset value. (513) 241-3700 cate Partners Ltd. Mfr. Distrib-of modular computer stations, sold to schools ft.

colleges nationwide. Sales $500,000. Low downpayment, easy terms to buy. 51J-24I-JUU eate Partners Ltd. Restaurant: Upscale Salesyr.

$1,000,000. Great loc, immaculate operation; nice bottom line; financing avail. Asking need 20 down. 513-241-3700 eate Partners Ltd. GRAPHIC ARTIST NEEDED WiN trade free primo downtown office space for approx 10 hours of consumer toy package design and production per month.

Welcome to work out of our office other clients the rest of the time. Call for details 513-361-0777 iiit and Found FOUND-CAT, White black tail, Montgomery area, An- qora, very friendly 745-0509 FOUND-Dog, Chihuahua? Cream color female. Swings Corner Pt. Isabel Rd. 876-4084 FOUND Dog.

med sz wht. 1024 1-74 Montana. Day 314-4167, Eves 923-9028 FOUND-Dog. Jason Taggart we found your dog, ID. Call 858-2392.

FOUNDDog. Large, friendly red dog. Bridgetown area. 574-1256 FOUND-Exotic bird, vicinity of Fairfield. 860-2274 FOUND-Gold earring gold wedding band.

Delta terminal. 896-4433 Doq, brwn btk spots, 10-11 yrs old, red naner. 44 1 j4uz. FOUNDHusky pup, apprx. 9 mos.

old, Mt. Washington ar-ea Oct. 24. 231-1448 Iv msg FOUND-Key on little hook, 7th 8, Vine St. Oct 28th.

Approx 13:00 noon. 369-2)92 FOUND KITTEN Gray, beige female. Greater Cinti Air-port. 528-6629 FOUND-Puppy on Garvey in Elsmere, KY. 727-6835 FOUND-Set of keys (4).

Oct. 27, Corryvifle area. Call 491-4043 FOUND-Tabby cat, orange, male, wclaws, young, An-dersonMt. Wash. 232-9113 Free Found Ads! If you have FOUND a pet, or any other item, and would like to place an ad, The Enquirer and The Post offer a weekly run at NO COST.

This Is In appreciation of the public service nature of 'found advertising. We appreciate your calls, and so do the people who have lost the item. Ads will be 3 lines and run tor one week. Call 421-6300 to place your FOUND AD Monday thru Friday, To place a LOST ad, call 421-6300 and ask about our weekly private party rate. LOST A PET? Check the Kenton Co.

Animal Shelter, Mon thru Frl Sat. 10am-3pm. Closed Sun. 356-7400 LOST A PET? Check the Campbell Co. Animal Shelter, Sat.

9am-lpm, closed 200 Poplar Ridge Camp Springs, KY. 635-2819 LOST ATTENTION Jewelry box wcontents is missing from my Wyoming home. Return box wcontents, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. 381-2800 code 5955 LOST-Cat, 1013, torti wwhite tip on tail, nr Pleasure Isle pool, $50 reward. 356-7930 LOST-CAT.

AH white, Symmes TwpLoveland area, 18 yrs old. Reward. 583-9686 LOST-Dog, 9 yr old small blk graying around eyes 6, mouth, blk nylon collar, no tags. Norwood 10,3. $200 Reward.

505-2666 LOST-Dog, all white mix, 60 lb male. Tues. evening. Reward. 54-3UV6 j-uuq LOST-Dog, co*cka-poo, tan Wht OakMonlort 723.

$250 Reward. 662-7052 LOST-Dog, Mini Schnauzer, Male. Colerain area. Reward. 202-9020 or 385-8455.

LOST -Dog, Older. Blk brwn border collie mix. Short hair at rear. Mt. Auburn area, 1 1028.

Call 579-4961. LOST-Green loose leaf binder in Covington, vicinity St. E. Hosp. 8, Eastern Ave.

REWARD. 581-8512 LOST ROTTWEILLER -Female wblack collar, 3 yrs, 75lbs. Springfield Two area. Named Girl. Reward.

Beloved family pet. 1-513-253-5625 cell phone LOST Rx glasses, brn frames, maroon case, Btwn Univ HospCheviot 1027 922-5487 LOST-Terrier mix, grey, 11 yr old male, missing front tooth, Milford area. 576-9000 LOST YOUR PET? Please visit the Hamilton Co. SPCA Animal Shelter, 3949 Colerain Ave. Monday-Sunday, 10am 6pm.

Info. 541-6100 MARK O. Marsha L. F. is looking for you to contact her at 727-9023 YELLOW LAB MIX-male, 1 yr old, red collar.

Colerain twpMt Healthy. 742-5232 EU1 Private 1 ii 1 Instruction Free English Lessons-Improve Reading Conversation skills. 481-5620, 574-4959 ART CLASSES -for adult beginners. Madeira area. Please call 271-0729 RFADFRS investing money anri timo nr if an nffpr sounds too good to be true, check with the Better Business Bureau at (513) 421-3015.

AUTO DRIVEAWAY 385-6654 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dallas Houston, Texas Era Tickets BACKSTREET BOYS Not Sold Out! Besl SeatsPricss Bengals Browns WWF Temptations Moody Blues Neil Diamond Springsteen Shania Ricky Martin UD Flyers UK Wildcats in Cincy Nascar Firstar Aronott BUY SELL NATIONWIDE 721-SEAT Riverfront Choice Tickets 114 Third St. Downtown, Cinti BACKSTREET BOYS, Shania, Springsteen, Neil Diamond Titanic, Ricky Martin, Phish Lily Tomlin, ZZ Top Xavier, UC, Bengals, Browns, UK, Nascar Buy Sell All Events Citie www.premiumtick 317 W. 4th St, Cinti 241-3301 BACKSTREET BOYS Cinti Lex. 2nd Row Others NEIL DIAMOND 800-705-7261 BENGALS, WWF, UK SHANIA, TAFT, RICKY MARTIN, NEIL DIAMOND, BROWNS, BACKSTREET i BOYS, 241-4TIX. BUY SELL ALL EVENTS Bengals Colts Browns UK vs UD NOTR DAME Springsteen OSU 221-1157 BENGALS Shania Twain Backstreet Boys UK vs UD 858-2934 1-888-SEAT-4-YOU WWF 2nd Row i Broadway Series 356-5396 Shania Twain, Bengals, i WWF.

BUYSELL 697-7328, i 1-888-779-1000 BACKSTREET BOYS, Ricky 1 Martin, Yes, Neil Diamond, WWF, Shania. 1-888-333-0005 BSB concert tickets. 2nd row. Call 18881 643-0480, leave name number. BACKSTREET BOYS-(4) tickets.

Best otter B31-IU5B Lv msg BACK STREET BOYS SHANIA TWAIN. CALL 330-405-6222 Accessories READERS Please be careful when giving away your pets. Make sure they are going to good homes. We recommend that you confirm the new owner's home by seeing three months of public utilities receipts. Visit the new homes.

Animals can be sold to rcsrarcMabrusedinJIgi AbyssinianSiamese Mtx- 8 10 wks, POP, MF, expul- site, S125-S150. 732-9366 ADOPT-A-PET NUR SEP. Has adorable puppies kittens for adoption. We are also accepting healthy puppies kittens. We have 3 locations.

Fairtield 632 Nilles 829-6621. Blue Ash 10607 i Techwood 769-7387, and our new location in Forest Park 11440 Winton Rd, 742-5700. Hours Mon-Frf. 9-6 Sat. 10-2.

The BA and FP offices are open 12-2 on Sua ADOPT-A-STR AY Puppies, Kittens, Dogs, Cats. 606-781-2577 rr COFFEE SHOP. Great N. KY location. 606-261-6807.

Great opportunity, great Save moneymake money. Call 1-800-320-9895 Ext 3575. BAR WReal Estate, Prim Motivated seller, Financing. Conner Co. 861-7888, 921-6380 PIZZA -Seats 90.

Untapped potential. Call for info Conner Co. 861-7886574-1451 Multi-Weight Station Gym $400. For more information Call 371-5040. PREMIUM CIGAR HUMIDORS (lO)--Stock, MUST SELL.

779-2372 VENDING MACHINES (6) $10,000, must sellwill ne-ootlate. 528-5465 Business ownrship oppty. Internet, telecommunication, utils residual income 686-605-4919 Insurance scam problem? Let my family take care of your family. Call Clay, 336-0225 LIQUOR PERMITS. For most locations.

Call for info. Conner Co. 861-7686574-1604 24 VENDING MACHINES MUST SELL, GOOD DEAL Call after 6p 522-2359 Tanning Salon for sale, large clientele, cash business, fin avail, 381-2800 code 5909 GASMINI MART. North Great lottery 8, sales. Conner Co.

661-7688Par 308-9054 FINE WINE Gourmet Dell Fabulous Lebanon, Ohio WeberRandolph 821-8500 AREA PAYPHONE ROUTES 45 Est. Ohio Bell Locations. 1-800-519-3201 BAKERYCOFFEE SHOP Great location-equip 489-9589 http:home.fuse.netborco CONV. STORE, KY -Beer, lotto, bldg, apts. $534K sales Weber Randolph 821-8500 RISK FREE In home business.

Tremendous potential. See to believe. Call 753-0777 CLIFTON REST. Exc loc. nr UC Law school.

$95K lease. Fully equip. 961-0484 OELITRI COUNTY-Exc cond, 1800 sq ft. Fully equip. $75K lease.

961-0484 RAISE $1000day potential. 1-800-566-7410 HOME BASED BUSINESS -in global telecommunications. Call 1-800-886-2141 RESTAURANTBAR. Rose-lawnLoveland. New listings.

Conner Co. 861-7888574-1451 rni Personal HI Loans Wanted PERSONAL--Loan wanted, 52500repay $3150. exc. job rets. 381-2800 coda 5962 TTlRBanciaJ Bankruptcy Reasonable Rates Get debt relief nowl 421-DEBT (3328) or 684-9900 to schedule FREE Consultation Eric A.

Sleiden, Attorney Behind On Your Mortgage? Behind on your loan. Consolidate Bills. High interest rate. Refinance your land contractlease option. Slow credit, no problem.

513-985-3800. Loans Residential, Commerical Investment Property. 100 financing avail. When the bank says no, we say yes. Credit problems, we help you fix them.

Call 631-3222 Ask (or Dee or Pam. ANY MORTGAGE ANY REASON ANY CREDIT 772-5656 FIRST CAPITAL BANCORP, INC. L.Os Needed FREE DEBT RELIEF Not a loan. Not bankruptcy. Lower payments and interest instantly.

Private. Call Amerix Now. 1-800-847-6312 (ext. 4093) New home loans let home owners put cash in their pockets. Free recorded msg.

868-857-8707 72002, 24 hr rTTI Miscellaneous "Notices Reading Soccer League is holding preliminary try outs for spring select soccer age roups U-8 thru U-18 on Sat, 1 16 at 11 am at Morton Field next to the Reading community pool. Any questions call Mine bmttn at or Melinda Smith, 733-1994 BANKRUPTCY Starting at $275 Court Cost DIVORCE Affordable Rates Kevin T. Dreyer, Attorney 771-2444 BankriiPtCV $250 Plus court cost. 19 yrs exp. Mike Rice, 727-6800.

Ch. 7. Free home visits. THIS IS AN ADVERTIsem*nT SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS James Williams, Attorney i-iuyi PLASMA DONORS WANTED- Must be 18 and healthy. Help save lives and earn money at the same time.

Sera-Tec Bio-logicals, 822 Monmouth Newport, KY. 2 Guys a Girl a Piano Player available for corporate private holiday party entertain- rnent. Lan yviKe nuu-ju-yuv GUITAR PLAYER WANTED For working 50s 60s Band. 381-2800 code 5933 LOSE WEIGHT NOW-Ask me how) All natural. Doctor rec-ommended.

1-888-373-6457 Need a bartender for your private party? Exp'd, reason-able rates. 385-9541 Iv msg. JAPANESE MASSAGE-609 York Newport, Kentucky. Call 581-4390. MT.

LOOKOUT-Share 3,500 sq ft home on Linwood. Refs, no petssmoker. 616-6565 90rj Talklines The Newspaper does not endorse or promote the use of services advertised in this category. Reader discretion is advised. Your local phone company can provide call blocking of these numbers should you wish to do so.

JJOating Services WANT TO BE ADORED? Meet locals INSTANTLY! The Confidential Connection Record Listen to ads Free! 18 Call 381-4477 code 5114 LOCAL SWINGERS! Hook up with local singles tonight on The Confidential Connection! 18 Listen 8. Record FREE! Call 381-3666 code 5123 MEET HOT LOCALS PostListen to ads FREE! 513-421-7000 Code 7575. 18 SWING INTO DATING RecordListen to ads FREE! 513-421-6253 Code 5454. 18 GET BACK IN THE MIX DO IT ON A WHIM HAVE SOME FUN CALL (513) 381-DATE HOT GUYS ONLYH FREE to Browse 513-821-4500, Something For Everyone-Free to Browse 8. Respond to ad 513-821-5050, imtost a lj and Found DOG-HUSK YSHEP mix, very friendly, wht striped nose.

Mt. Washington. 232-7280 FOUND6mo. old female tiger striped cat, Westwood Pres-byterian Church 591-0922 FOUND-BIRD. (Dove?) Vicinity of 5th Greenup-Cov.

Ky. 491-4444 ask for Joe or Liz FOUND-Black puppy mix, Fields Ertel Rd. Call (513) 236-1023 anytime. FOUNb-Blk-wht dalmatian mix male yellow Lab mix young, Indian Hill 561-7982 FOUNO-Bunny. Tame, domestic, lop-ear, white.

Loveland on 1024. 779-2496 FOUND- Cat In Norwood, older female, long hair tortoise shell, 351-6136 FOUND--CAT, orange striped, Cieves-N. Bend area, around 1018. 941-8025 FOUND Cat. White in Loveland area.

697-8590 mmmmmmmm mmmm mnm-n I $2,000 REBATE FULL CONVERSION WCKAG1 QUAD CAPTAIN'S CHAIRS RUNNING BOARDS LOWER LUXURY CONVSRStON TV WTH VCP REAR STSStO tOACslD WITH WOOD TRIM POWER IRf-f OLD SEAT SPORTING GOODS store, strong outside sales, money maker, sales S500K, 1 North Cinti. Dave Kupper 34 1 -3368578-3970 RESTAURANT, national chain, money maker, growth sales 1 new listing! Dave Kupper 341 -3388578 3970 TOBACCO SHOP, cigars, sales owners income $50,000. One person can operate Davo Kupper 34 1 -3388578-3970 RFSTAURANTBAR on the Ohio River. E. Cinti.

historic, incl real eslate.Nealwilh character. Dave Kupper 341-3388578-3970 COIN LAUNDRY Cinti, Nice area Incl real estate, easy to operate Retirement after 1 5 yrs Dave Kupper 34 1 -3388578-3970 'Vlfrliw MONTH IUSE TOTAL DUE UASi SIGINO 33, 999 PfcR MO 63 MONTH ASS $229 TOTAL DUE AT UAM StGlNG 52 OOO XtT available DISCOUNT DiSCOUNT CONV PKO $19,500 PKO 75 Cortveriton Van' 75 Conversion Von' rvoilabl All leases closed end, iZiXt) tmle per year up to $.20 over itukagt limit Pto tax. title, registration security deposit. Not valid wh any otter flw or flwvious iwrchaw. No payments to days based approved credit.

Rebates have alitadv been imilied. (Wen end II WW. (Bating Services vmmmm SELECTION Hi mmwsim fa Musi te 16 omw rxieeoy Mo as Kfleiaoive kks "best fepture? I've been told $259 VMS' LUXURY TV WtTH VCP RSAK STf RfO lOAOfO WITH WOOO POWfR TO-rOU HAT CINCINNRTI'S 1 DBTi CONVERSBTION LINE The fun, easy way to. meet real, local people. Exchange instant messages, or talk live One 2 One.

5000 calls every day! Browse our thousands of recorded personals for free. CONVTRWO "7r(( 9. 995 $3X6 29, 995 las" 7zm par IT'S MY SMILE." Lalleis mutt be 18 yeais of dfje 01 olde. 'Aai'j it 72 i '111 J-'-'l ibneHpnel (513)421-3200 $3Sf over mile limit Pitt Ux. All leases closed end.

12.000miks ncr u-Jtr tm to 20 title, registration security deposit. Not vaiwi with any other otter or tmwm mtreh.w No navmenl to davs bma approved credit. Kehatea nave airwwv neen aryeo. jnercr win dour lUitomw service dl 8..

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.